Unless you have a medical complication, you can receive massage as early in your first trimester as you like and all the way until baby arrives (even if you’re past your due date).

I can use acupressure points to encourage labor. I don't do this before 40 weeks unless you are trying to avoid an induction or other intervention.
Yes! If you’re not ready to leave baby or caring for them is an obstacle to receiving bodywork, bring them along. They can even be on the table with you to nurse or snuggle while I work.
The abdominal massage is gentle and I always work with a pressure that’s comfortable for the client.
Yes! It helps with many issues, including ED, BPH, male fertility challenges, and more. It also is indicated for digestive issues.
Yes! I am very familiar with ART. I work with clients trying to conceive naturally as well as any level of ART. Arvigo® Therapy can greatly improve the outcome.
I use elastic bandages that are reusable and then disposable. I provide you with the supplies so that you can continue the binding with the help of another adult to maximize the benefits.
Yes! Binding is very important after cesarean. Bone closing is also important because the pelvis often still opens. Steaming and moxabustion are simply postponed until the incision site is healed.
This class is designed to be taken between 20 and 30 weeks gestation. Ideally, your partner takes the class with you. There are 4 classes prenatally and one scheduled when all are at least 6 weeks postpartum. This is when we come back together in community to celebrate and witness the birth of baby, mother, and a new family.
I do! Same day cancellations result in a 50% charge.

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